Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 2, Rivadavia

It´s been a fairly good week out here on the mission. On monday night, we left on a bus to go to mendoza for a mission lidership counsel. We got there around 9:30 to the office pension and a bunch of us slept up in the birds nest aka 3rd floor guest room. It was cool to see some elderes i know really well like elder Gomez from lujan. Then tuesday morning we all walked over to the offices, ate some deliscious churros and hot chocolate and then sat down to be spiritually fed by President and Hermana Avila and the Assistents. President talked about being one, with unity as zones. He talked about standards or titles, like the title of liberty and then invited us all to make standards for our zones. Ours are wayyyy cool! And then he talked about teamwork, and showed a few videos of soccer players that were able to make amazing goals all by themselves but how that almost never happens and then he showed another couple of videos of team work pulling through. It was way cool. We were able to analize and discuss the videos and how we can work more as teams in our zones. The AP´s talked a lot about opening the mouth and talking to people. They made a funny cool and inspiring video of them opening the mouth, getting rejected sometimes and then at the end there was a video of two elders who set the goal to always talk to 10 people each day and they were there sitting with a recent convert that they had talked to in the street. It was way cool! Then Hna Avila talked about being true disciples of Christ and really understanding where we came from, that we are children of God, and what our potencial is. Fantastic. It was a great meeting over all! The last week of this month we´ll be having a P-day with all of the zl´s and sister training leaders and then counsel the next day. 

On Friday I did intercambios with Elder Connolly! It was way fun! He was my district leader in the mtc and is again now! It was good to catch up a little bit. We were going by lots of investigators, with a young man that´s about to leave on his mission, that weren´t home and then saw a lady sitting in her window and felt like we should go talk to her so we did and she let us in and we taught her the restoration. It was really good!

So besides that we´ve been planning a ton for the zone meeting and hardly had any time to really work in our own area which has been hard.... but this week should better after the zone meeting tomorrow morning. 

So things going pretty well here. Hope you all are well!


Elder Fullmer

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