Monday, March 3, 2014

¿¿¿Como estais vosotros???

It´s been a fairly good week here in Carrodilla. Monday and Tuesday we were with Elder Gomez cause Elder Villegaz finished the mission. It was way fun with Elder Gomez, he is a great missionary! On monday we went to a recent convert of Elder Gomez in their area and they´ve had a lot of financial struggles but have been paying tithing and everything and pretty much out of the blue he recieved a check for about 15 thousand dollars, from a company where he had been hurt in several years ago. When we exercise faith the Lord blesses us. Always. On tuesday we taught the Diaz family and it went really well. They accepted a baptismal date forMarch 22. The Spirit was strong. Then wednesday morning were transfers. We all went to the terminal to pick up Elder Valencia, ELder Gomez´s new companion. It was fun seeing a couple of people from my mtc district like Elder Conolly. 

On Thursday we went back to the Diaz family and Antonio had a LOT of doubts and questions. I believe there are lots of good reasons to set a baptismal date and one of those can be that they understand we aren´t there to hang out but they really want to get down to the matter to find out if these things are true. Most of his doubts were centered around "Where in the Bible does it talk about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith." We shared with him Ezequiel 37 as well as several verses in Efesians that talk about a restoration as well as prophets and apostles. But none of it clicked too much for him. We watched the testaments with them on Saturday night which really helped as well as we explained a little bit more of how the faith is essencial in recieving an answer. It rained a lot last week and so they werent able to come to church cause he had to work sunday cause it was good weather. 

So yeah it was a fairly good week. We have been working harder and harder to be with the Spirit all the time. The Spirit is so important. One of my friends emailed me last week and said in their district meeting they all thought about if they went on a trip and could bring 1 thing, spiritual or phisical, what would it be? Hands down the spirit. I´ve been studying more the Dormant Spirit by Elder Busche and have found several great counsels on how to activate the spirit in my life and mission. 

I´ve also been studying faith and action. This morning I was reading in 1 Nephi 17 about Nephi building the Boat. The Lord calls him to the mountain and he goes, the Lord tells him to build a ship and he asks where to find the ore and the Lord shows him and he goes to work. As missionaries we´ve all been called by the Lord to where we are. He has called us here to find, teach, baptize/feed His sheep/Build the kingdom/bring almas unto Him. And we´re here for two years no matter what (or 18 months), but we can choose to sit and stew and wonder what to do or we can exercise our faith by seeking revelation and acting. We don´t know where the ore or golden investigators are, but God does so we need to trust in Him. Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a litttle, I´m learning more about the workings of the Spirit. I´m so thankful for the opportunity, privilege and blessing I have to be here on a mission.

I love you all!

Elder Fullmer

p.s. zone leaders came back from the mission leader councel and said lots of things will be changing this week. I think it´s facebook. I´ll let you know next week.  

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