Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 10

Hola, como estan todos???

First off, a shout of congradulations, good luck, and may God be with you to my little brother Peter who has been called to serve in St. Louis Missouri!!!

It´s been a really really really good week. My testimony has grown about several things. Such as inspired questions, people prepared by God, and the role of the spirit in guiding us. In some ways it´s been a really hard week, as they say here "it´s not all the color pink." And why is it so hard? because salvation is not a cheap experience as Elder Holland said. 

So I think this week i´ll just write down a few of the highlights. 

So on thursday we had a zone meeting and there are some really cool changes!!! Most of all in the daily schedule. Before Elder 
Lafleur and I would leave the apartment at 11 or 12 due to an extra hour of comp study and an hour of language, but now all of us leave at 9:30 no matter what, then we have lunch at about 1 and finish studies in the after noon when all of mendoza is sleeping the siesta!!! Way inspired! After the first morning, we absolutely loved it! We can be way more productive and efficient this way. We´re teaching a lot more lessons this way. 

This week we went by Norma to kind of figure a few things out. We came by with the conclusion that she isn´t really interested, she hasn´t been keeping committments and doesn´t usually have time to meet with us, so we´ve pretty much dropped her, but Yail seems way more interested, we seem to see him like every other day riding his bike and he asks us when we´re going to pass by, so we want to try to teach his parents as well cause he´s way golden. 

With Antonio and Sandra, we had planned several days to see them early on in the week and for one reason or another it didn´t happen. Then we were finally able to pass by on friday but he hadn´t gotten home from work and then later in the day on saturday and he hadn´t gotten back. He ended up switching jobs this week. And doesn´t seem to have a set schedule from what Sandra says. 

On wednesday we had lunch with a less active lady. She is one of the nicest ladies I know. Really really cool. She made us fried chicken and french fries, some french fries were circle ones. She considers all of us missionaries her kids. We had a really good discussion with her. After sharing a scripture and asking a couple of questions she really opened up. 

Last week we were walking, felt like we needed to knock a door, did it, and a young mother that got baptized in 1998 and hasn´t gone to church in over 14 years came to the door. We went to visit her with a brother from the ward this week. She has 3 fairly young kids and we are going to help her get back to church. When we asked her about her baptism she said something like ´wow, it was the purest and most peaceful feeling ever´ we asked her if she would like to feel like that again. 

We´ve been trying to contact a young peruvian man for several weeks now but we finally got to meet with his mom, fresia. She moved here to Peru about a month ago to be with her kids. She talked to missionaries a time or to in peru that left her with a good memory. After getting to know her and praying, we asked her why she was so nice to us to let us in and she started crying and told us it´s really hard to be a foreigner here and she wants to find more peace and happiness. We shared a quick and powerful lesson with her, left her with the restoration pamphlet, and she said she would read it and then teach it to her kids. 

On friday we went to contact a teenage kid we talked to a few weeks ago. He invited us into his house and we were getting to know him a little better and then his mom got there and we were inicially scared she was going to throw us out but then we told her we belive in Christ and she was like ok cool. We taught her the 1 minute version of the restoration before she had to go with her friend somewhere. We have another lesson with their family next week.

While looking for the house of that kid, agustin, we met his neighbor, and had a lesson on Saturday. He is really looking to get closer to God in his life along with his family. We have a lesson with him this week. 

So lots of new people awesome week! I love this work, I love God!!!

Elder Fullmer

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